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biologit News
biologit achieves ISO 27001 certification (information security)
biologit has obtained certification on the rigorous ISO 27001 information security standard.
To achieve ISO 27001 certification biologit has implemented robust processes and controls to manage and protect information assets effectively across the organization. With this milestone we continue to demonstrate our commitment to high security standards and being a trusted partner to our customers with our unique literature monitoring platform and service solutions.
biologit at Medtech Connect
Our CTO, Bruno Ohana will be speaking at the Medtech Rising conference, as part of MedTech Connect, happening on the 7th of December 2023 at the The Galmont Hotel, Galway, Ireland.
Medtech Connect is a showcase that provides Medtech SMEs a platform to raise awareness and exhibit their innovative technology solutions and business models to potential business partners, large MNCs or investors.
biologit: Machine learning and AI to monitor medical literature
biologit is featured in Silicon Republic in the article “Machine learning and AI to monitor medical literature”, where co-founders Nicole Baker and Bruno Ohana discuss how the company is meeting the challenges of automating medical literature monitoring for pharmacovigilance and safety surveillance of medical devices, cosmetics and nutraceuticals.